With We Care Program
Discover Brochure 
From the Discover Director
For many young adult Christians, finding purpose in life can be a struggle. The Discover Program is
designed to bring clarity in this area by helping young people identify their strengths. My goals through
this four-month discipleship program are to help young people understand their natural and spiritual
gifts, introduce them to prison ministry, and take them deeper in their relationship with Christ. I believe
God is at work in our world; and we are looking for young men and women, age 20-25, who are willing
to join God in His work. If you are in that age bracket, I invite you to join our team to discover more of
God, more of others, and more of yourself. Your purpose in life will become clearer as you discover
these things while working in an interesting and challenging environment. If you are looking for
something that will both challenge and develop you, come along and be a part of this adventure!
Kevin Kennell, Discover Director
To learn more about Discover, contact We Care Program by calling 251-368-8818 or by emailing discover@wecareprogram.org. Applications must be submitted no later than November 30th..
Ministry Assignment
The Discover term runs from January through April. After several days of prison ministry orientation and
Alabama Department of Corrections volunteer training, interns will be assigned to a prison for ministry
to inmates several days a week. Each intern will be paired with an experienced We Care chaplain as a
mentor. While in the prison setting, team members will have many opportunities to use and develop
their gifts by building relationships, sharing Christ one-on-one, mentoring, teaching Bible studies,
encouraging new believers, leading worship, and assisting their We Care mentor with administrative
duties. Specific assignments will be unique to each individual depending on gifting.
Other service opportunities include assisting with thrift store ministry and support tasks at the headquarters.
Each intern should come prepared to:
- Live under the influence of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.
- Speak to all with a heart attitude of love and compassion.
- Humbly serve by example.
- Be the person God is creating him to be in Christ.
- Serve with a sincere heart of worship towards our Savior Jesus Christ.
Personal Development
Discover is designed to equip young adults for ministry, not only in the prison setting but also in their home church and community.
The Discover team will meet regularly for:
- Personal Discipleship
* Spiritual gifts
* Natural abilities
* Spiritual disciplines of the Christian faith
- Ministry Training
* Development of spiritual gifts and natural abilities in the prison setting
* Practical application of the Word of God in the prison setting
* Transferring the application of prison ministry into the local church setting
- Ministry Reflection
* Personal spiritual growth
* Personal ministry experiences
- Prayer
* God's guidance
* The Holy Spirit's presence
* Christ's redeeming work
Location, Activities, and Community Emphasis
We Care and Discover are based in Atmore, Alabama. Interns will be provided dorm-style lodging at the
We Care headquarters and will be asked to consent to the policies outlined in the Discover Handbook.
Hospitality will be provided by our host couple. Living quarters will be shared with other We Care staff
and/or guests..
In addition to trusting each intern to use their free time wisely, We Care will plan occasional special
events for team-building and relaxation. This may include activities with the entire We Care staff as well
as Discover-specific outings.
While living in Atmore, interns are encouraged to get involved in a local church and community outreach.
Each team member is asked to raise $2,400 to cover room and board, monthly allowance, and other program-related expenses. Funding is normally solicited from one's home church, family, and friends. If needed, We Care will assist with direction in the fund-raising effort.
Transportation will be provided to and from ministry assignments, but we suggest interns bring their own vehicles for personal use.
Interns are responsible for their own health insurance coverage for the length of the term. If paying for insurance creates a financial burden, We Care will work with interns on a case-by-case basis to help find an alternative way to cover the cost of insurance premiums.
Testimonies from Former Discover Interns
"While ministering to men in prison, I saw Christ in a new way, full of grace and compassion, extending His arms to the forgotten. My relationship with Christ grew, and with the help of mentors, I discovered my strengths and the calling for which God created me." -Blaine Copenhaver
"Wow! Discover has done crazy things in my journey. So many times my Discover mentor and I would refer to internship as the 'spiritual greenhouse' to my spiritual journey." -Ellie Copenhaver
"My idea of prison ministry prior to Discover was a somewhat fearful and tough picture, but actually coming and doing it has greatly changed my perspective for the positive." -Chaz Hooley
"Discipleship training consisted of talking about the events and happenings of your previous week and a time of studying ministry material. It is a very good time to connect as a team through sharing and studying together." -Tiff Heisey
"I learned to lean on God and listen to the Holy Spirit more. I also felt I grew in the area of discernment." -Paul Sensenig
"I'm learning what it means to be a leader and how that role fits into my life." -Sheldon Histand
"[Discover] stretched me to take steps out of my comfort zone and teach a Bible study/sermon!" -Kenton Bucher
"This experience has given me a greater hunger for God." -Ernie Glick